Thursday, May 26, 2016

Message from Principal Dave Thomas 5/26/16

Dear Lake Braddock Families,

I want to make you aware that we discovered graffiti that was threatening in nature in a school bathroom today.  We immediately notified our School Resource Officer and the police have indicated that there is no known threat or cause for concern.  Students and staff are not in any danger and school operations will continue on a normal schedule.    As a precaution, there will be an increased security presence at the school tomorrow.

We are working with the police to identify the student or students responsible for the graffiti.   Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken by the school administration in response to this very serious event as outlined in the Student Rights & Responsibilities document.  We will continue to monitor this situation to ensure the safety of students and staff.  We are very appreciative of the quick response to this incident from our SRO, the Fairfax County Police Department and FCPS Office of Safety and Security.   If you have any additional questions, feel free to call the school office.


Have a nice evening.


David F. Thomas
Lake Braddock Secondary School

703 426 1006

Monday, May 23, 2016

Important SOL Testing Reminders

The Virginia Department of Education requires that students in grades 7 through 12 take the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL). The purpose of the testing is to provide information about student achievement in the content area.  Scores from the test will be used to determine whether students fail to meet standards, are proficient in meeting the standards, or are advanced in the standards.

Tuesday May 24th—English 11 and Civics 8
Wednesday May 25th—Biology and US/VA History
Thursday May 26th— Chemistry and Geosystems
Friday May 27th— Geometry
Tuesday May 31st— English 7 & Science 8
Wednesday June 1st—Math 7,  Middle School Algebra I and World History II (except AP World)
Thursday June 2nd—English 8 and World History I
Friday June 3rd—Algebra II and Middle School Algebra I (only Mrs. Kraft’s classes)
Monday June 6th—Math 8 and High School Algebra I

Bruin Block will occur every GOLD day during SOL testing. Teachers and staff will be using Bruin Block during SOLs for direct instruction, reviews, and preparation for culminating assessments and projects. As always, attendance for Bruin Block is mandatory. In addition, use of personal electronic devices during Bruin Block is discouraged, especially during the computer-based SOL Testing window when the network is being used at a high rate. Electronic device use across the building can slow the network dramatically which could potentially affect computers being used for testing.

The Virginia Department of Education and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) have an electronic device policy which is to be followed during all SOL testing. To maintain test security, the possession of these devices (e.g., cell phones/mobile communication devices) in the testing room is prohibited.  If a student is discovered with a prohibited electronic device while in a test environment, the student’s test will be stopped, the electronic device will be confiscated, and the student will be removed from the test environment.  School administrators, consistent with the Acceptable Use Policy and Student Rights & Responsibilities, have authority to search the “item of personal belonging” (e.g., the cell phone or mobile device) if it is believed to contain evidence of a violation of school regulations (in this case, cheating).  School administrators have the right to apply school-based consequences based upon their investigation of the situation.  Please talk to your student about the electronic device policy and the serious consequences of violating it. 

The Virginia Board of Education is allowing elementary and middle school students who fail SOL tests by a narrow margin (scoring between a 375 and 399) to be retested before the end of the year provided parental permission is obtained.  In grades 3-8, a student’s performance on the SOL does not impact the student’s grade in the class, nor their academic record.  If you believe that your student would benefit from a second opportunity to demonstrate proficiency before the end of the school year, should they be eligible for a second attempt, we will need parent permission. 

It will be very helpful if you can avoid appointments which may take your child out of school during this time period.  Also, it will help your child perform his or her best if he or she has had a good night’s rest, a healthy breakfast, and comes to school with a positive attitude.