Thursday, May 26, 2016

Message from Principal Dave Thomas 5/26/16

Dear Lake Braddock Families,

I want to make you aware that we discovered graffiti that was threatening in nature in a school bathroom today.  We immediately notified our School Resource Officer and the police have indicated that there is no known threat or cause for concern.  Students and staff are not in any danger and school operations will continue on a normal schedule.    As a precaution, there will be an increased security presence at the school tomorrow.

We are working with the police to identify the student or students responsible for the graffiti.   Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken by the school administration in response to this very serious event as outlined in the Student Rights & Responsibilities document.  We will continue to monitor this situation to ensure the safety of students and staff.  We are very appreciative of the quick response to this incident from our SRO, the Fairfax County Police Department and FCPS Office of Safety and Security.   If you have any additional questions, feel free to call the school office.


Have a nice evening.


David F. Thomas
Lake Braddock Secondary School

703 426 1006

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